Amazon S3 is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. This means customers of all sizes and industries can use it to store and protect any amount of data for a range of use cases, such as data lakes, websites, etc.,
Buckets: simply bucket means folder. In Amazon S3, bucket is used to stored the object, by default we can create 100 buckets and bucket name always must be unique.
Objects: Object always hold the files (photos, txt files, videos, audios, etc.,). Object stored that uses unique key-values to store as many objects as you want and each object can be stored 0 kb to 5 TB in size. Each Object have unique URL, object made of version ID, key
Versioning: Upload multiple objects with same name in one bucket. When you enabled versioning, it’s help to recover objects from accidental deletion.
Keys: Storing your file is key(Example: sowmiya.jpg, presentation.txt, etc.,).
Regions: Geographic location where public cloud data are located, simply mean data center. Some of the regions are US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), etc.,
~Read and write entire object
~Every object has a unique developer assign key
~Collect objects into bucket
~Every object has a unique URL
~Intrinsic redundancy
~Full control of access rights
~Eventual consistency data model
~Storing objects up to 5 TB in size
login to AWS management console and move to Amazon S3 then click create bucket, name always must be unique if you have any doubt you may check the rule to create bucket name.
After creating a bucket you have two option to store the data, one is drag and another one is simply click option “file”(in the right side of the corner) and your bucket is ready to use.