- It imports the Fernet class from the cryptography.fernet module.
- It generates a key using the generate_key() method of the Fernet class.
- It creates a Fernet object (f_obj) using the generated key.
- It defines a message (msg) to be encrypted. Note that the message is encoded as bytes (b”hello world”).
- It encrypts the message using the encrypt() method of the Fernet object (f_obj) and stores the result in encrypted_msg.
- It prints the encrypted message.
- It decrypts the encrypted message using the decrypt() method of the Fernet object (f_obj) and stores the result in decrypted_msg.
- It prints the decrypted message.
This code demonstrates how to use Fernet symmetric encryption provided by the cryptography library in Python. Fernet is a symmetric encryption algorithm, meaning that the same key is used for both encryption and decryption. It’s a convenient choice for encrypting small amounts of data like passwords or tokens.